Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Makey the Mead?!

So, let's start with a WOOOO finals are over!! Okay, now that's out of my system...

I've been researching how to make mead and so far it seems to be a pretty expensive project. I need to get a wine making kit just to start off, and then supplies on top of it (including 12lbs of raw honey!)...still, I am totally determined to make some delicious mead!! It seems like once I can get past the initial expense, I'll be all set!

I'm thinking one of you crazy hippies out there may already own one of these kits and will let me borrow it?? Send me an e-mail if you do and we can get started on this soon... otherwise sometime mid January seems most reasonable. I've already recruited a friend to help me (his stipulation: that he makes delicious mead while wearing a viking helmet), if you want to help too let me know (ncolao@hotmail.com)!

Until then, I'm working on an herb garden to supplement by toothpaste experiments (apparently you can make mouthwash out of fresh herbs and baking soda)... I've started with some lemon balm, but I'll hopefully get to some mints as well...

Okay, now enough talking, I gotta get to work on some of these things!

Anyone have any suggestions?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ahhhh the Pressure!

I have been getting numerous text messages, emails, and straight up demanding phone calls from followers wondering why it has been a month since my last post. The answer-I'm busy! Now leave me alone!
Haha-but seriously, I am taking my first set of grad school finals and I'm determined to get nothing but A's! My last final is soon, so expect another post shortly.

Just to hold everyone over, here are some upcoming projects:

1. I am in the middle of growing some herbs (as in lemon balm, chamomile, etc.-not the other herb you little devil) and will be making my own teas, flavored oils, and even mouthwash out of them.

2. I am considering (this may be way too big a project) making mead (an alcoholic beverage made out of honey).. maybe, don't get too excited...I probably will, I mean c'mon, it's mead!!...If you would like to try my delicious mead, you'll have to wear green tights and call me your lady...giggity giggity

3. After I'm able to save some money (I'm broke, it's the holidays, give me a break) I'm going to look into getting a rain barrel...not exactly sure where I'm going to be living shortly, so I'm also looking for volunteers who will let me set up a rain barrel on their house. I already have several offers, but I still have to consider every aspect so that I can choose the optimal location, so send me a text if you want a rainbarrel.

Also, I know you all are curious, the worms are doing great! I feed them about a pound of vegetables a week and the original food that I put in the bin has already been composted. After putting up such a fight about having them in the garage, my mother now saves scraps so I can "feed the worms" and she refuses to chop up the food into small bits because she feels that, living in a bin, the worms are bored and need something to do. Typical Italian mother, she considers food a form of entertainment. Also, all newcomers to the house are required to first visit the worms...I fear she will start naming them soon.

Thanks for staying interested everyone! I can't wait to be done with finals so I can get get back to work entertaining you!! :)