Friday, July 2, 2010

What Can Go Wrong...Will - Sustainability Trip Day 2

I must have said the words, "Murphy's Law" at least a dozen times today.
Lets make a list of everything that has gone wrong:
Kindle (Electronic Book which I cannot live with out and was oh so looking forward to reading)-broke
Trackball on my blackberry-broke

Around this point of the day, I decided that I was terrified to use my laptop. I was right, somethings up with the internet, and applications are randomly deleted (its been funky since before i left, BUT STILL!)

Oh yeah, don't forget about the ticket yesterday and how we lost a driver....

Go on with the self pity? Absolutely not. After speaking with a friend, she pointed out how hilariously awful the situation actually was. Seriously? How the heck could EVERYTHING have gone wrong? At this point, there's nothing to do but laugh. And laugh we did. And now after the multitude of emotional breakdowns? I'm actually impressed with you, yes you, Murphy.

Anywho, the drive today was way better and more entertaining the yesterday. Missouri is absolutely hilarious to drive through. Alongside the endless adult superstores (I saw one that was drive thru!! I will not repeat the scenerios we created that would go along with a drive thru adult superstore-use your own imagination) are GIANT Christian Crosses matched up with Adult Arcades. Of course, we saw the general cornfields, but in between, hilarity ensued.

I drove the entire 8 hours today from Indianapolis to Kansas City and to be honest, it was pretty easy. Im hoping that I will be able to do another 8 tomorrow before I let Annabel take over and hopefully do 4. The more hours we do tomorrow, the earlier we will get to Utah on the 4th. Also, tomorrow night we are going to be spontaneous and find somewhere to sleep on the spot rather than book in advance. Lets hope that we will find something vacant!

We also visited both Kansas Cities today. "Both?", you ask. Why yes, in fact Kansas City is split between Kansas and Missouri. I bet most of you know that, but we didn't. So if you received a phone call from me today saying, "we made it to Kansas", well..I lied haha. Kansas City in Missouri is actually way better. We visited the Jazz District (well, we blinked and missed most of it) and Riverside (theres an awesome Farmers Market there, which was closed). We also went to a park and saw a giant cock something or other (the badmitten thingy you pervert). it was a pretty cool city all in all.

Right now, I'm getting eaten by bugs so I have to end this a little earlier than I would have wished. I will post HOPEFULLY tomorrow, but if not, very soon.

Wish me luck, and that something else won't go wrong (or that if it does, its not something important!).