Today was the third day of endless and nonstop driving. I personally drove 11 hours to Denver Colorado, and tomorrow we will have a final 7 hour drive until we finally make it to our destination in Utah! We had a bit of drama today. First, we feared for several hours that my engine was overheating (it was 95 degrees out) only to realize that the maintenance place I took my car to before the trip began forgot to reset the oil light. After that drama, and 11 hours of driving, we finally made it to Denver where we had made reservations at a motel outside of town. After checking in and entering my room, I immediately noticed toe nails covering the bed sheets and floor as well as a sign on the door reading, "For personal safety, always use deadlocks when inside room". Needless to say, I am now staying at the Sheraton (the others in the party found their rooms to be adequate).
As for the drive today, we went all the way through Kansas (9 hours) and one third the way into Colorado. Kansas is absolutely the flattest and definitley one of the most mundane places to drive through. There is not much going on, just flat fields of grain and the occasional picture of Jesus and promotion for adoption over abortion. In other words, it was extremely boring. Upon passing the state line into Colorado I was desperately looking forward to the Colorado of my memories from the last time I drove to Utah, unfortunetly, it wasn't until literally Denver that we saw the mountains we were craving. Aside from that, there really isn't much more to talk about.
These few days have been very difficult for me for a variety of reasons and so I am eagerly awaiting our arrival in Monticello, UT. This is a town that I have previously spent 6 weeks at and remember fondly. I cannot wait to revisit old places, but more importantly, focus on an entirely new topic: sustainability. This is something that I was unfamiliar with during my last visit. I cannot wait to view this city with new and educated eyes.
As far as WiFi connection, I am not sure if I will have it on the farm in Utah. If this is the case, I will try and update every few days by driving into town (my estimate is about 20 minutes away from the farm) and finding something to work off of.
Wish me luck!